Kamis, 02 Mei 2013


Hijab is a head covering women's fashion and clothes that cover the body, arms and legs especially Muslims. Used to wear hijab only in exceptional style with hijab or direct use. Along with the times hijab has many kinds and styles that attract people to wear hijab.
That's what made me think to make the effort hijab shop in my hometown area muaradua. With this effort menegmbangkan many people who can benefit. Not only was I who founded but others, such as creating jobs. Many things that factor to develop this business, namely:
1.      Many Muslim women who wear hijab have
Muslim women in the village are usually considered modern. So I want to make this effort so that no Muslim in the township is not obsolete. To match the existing urban Muslim.
2.      Business opportunities
The small number of people who sell the veil or hijab is.
3.      Availability of land in favor
There are still many empty hold in my area.
This effort is a dream of mine since I first put on hijab. So that many Muslim women who are more interested in wearing the hijab again, not only memakain but his heart was also wearing hijab headscarf.

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